Musings …in a Strange Time
These Musings began as weekly letters during the Covid-19 lockdown of 2020. This was how a country Bishop sought both to make sense of his own confusion and to reach out to his people, in a strange time. Six months on, when the lockdown was suddenly lifted, he was left with a collection of 24 reflections. They are gathered here in a simple book.
At times it is the liturgical calendar that stimulates the reflection, at times it is a burning social issue that provokes it. The Author draws on enduring truths of the Christian faith and of our common humanity in inviting us into a conversation that is urgently needed. How shall we respond to this pandemic? What is it calling forth from us? How will the pandemic re-shape us both as individuals and in our society? What will it require of our world?
The reflections, while personal, will find a wide resonance – we are all in this together. In small ways they might help us to discover a new solidarity and a shared vision, one that is founded on deep and abiding human values. The conversation has already begun: it will continue for some time – these are still early days. This little book might just inspire and encourage us.