You are a Writer...
… but not an editor!
It is a well-known fact that it is almost impossible to edit your own work: you are far too close the idea and the story to see the writing “imperfections” – grammar, spelling and punctuation errors – and we all make them!
Get a trained eye to look over and “clean up” your manuscript!
“Self-editing is the path to the dark side. Self-editing leads to self-delusion, self-delusion leads to missed mistakes, missed mistakes lead to bad reviews. Bad reviews are the tools of the dark side.” ― Eric T. Benoit
“I’ve found the best way to revise your own work is to pretend that somebody else wrote it and then to rip the living shit out of it.” ― Don Roff
“I edit my own stories to death. They eventually run and hide from me.” ― Jeanne Voelker
“Making love to me is amazing. Wait, I meant: making love, to me, is amazing. The absence of two little commas nearly transformed me into a sex god!” ― Dark Jar Tin Zoo, Love Quotes for the Ages.
SA Catholic Online’s Frank Nunan comes from a journalism and editing background, having been trained at the then Rhodesian Printing & Publishing’s Cadet Journalism School in Harare (then Salisbury). His journalism career mainly followed the sub-editing and editing road, although he has done his fair share of reporting difficult stories. He was a pioneer in the use of technology in the publishing business, learning his DTP skills on the very first DTP system ever used in South Africa – that of the Sunday Times in the late 1970s.
Frank is, therefore, well qualified to edit and “clean-up” your manuscript, whether it is your autobiography, a novel, a dissertation or thesis, children’s book or technical/training manuscript. He is the “technician”; you are the writer! Let him look after the “technical stuff”