
SA Catholic Online’s Production phase encompasses the following:

Manuscript Layout & Typesetting

We Use Adobe InDesign, the industry standard app for publishing projects ranging from all types of print projects to digital publications that you can view on any web browser.

Cover Design

While we do not claim to be Graphic Designers, SA Catholic Online has a well-developed instinct for book covers, with particular reference to the book’s genre. We work closely with authors in this regard – they usually have a pretty fair idea of what they want their covers to depict. At right is one of our recent covers.

ISBN Number & Bar Code

Part of the service is to obtain an ISBN number and Barcode for your book. ISBN stands for “International Standard Book Number”. It is a unique identifier for books, eBooks, tapes, and CDs. The ISBN numbering system is used worldwide, and publishers around the globe identify their work in this standardised format. A unique ISBN must identify each title or edition. It is also used for the design and development of the book’s barcode, which retailers use for stock control, pricing, etc. The barcode at right shows the book’s ISBN number at the top.

Print-Ready Material

Once the author has signed off the final proofs, we will proceed to print-ready material for delivery to a designated printer.