I'm Blazio M Manobo SPB
BLazio M Manobo is a member of the Congregation of the Brothers of St Paul in Zimbabwe. He lectures in Systematic Theology at the Catholic University of Zimbabwe – Holy Trinity College and is a PhD candidate with the University of KwaZulu-Natal. He holds a BA in Theology (CUEA), Bachelor of Social Science (Lupane State University), MPhil Theology (South Africa), MBA (National University of Science and Technology), MA Development Studies (Midlands State University), and MSc International Relations (Bindura University of Science Education). He has worked as the Director of the Congregation for eight years and Vicar General for nine years. He has published several journal articles and book chapters in Systematic Theology. His research interests are in Contextual Theologies, Theology and Development, and Political Theology. He is the editor and compiler of the book, which had multiple other contributors.