I'm June Ann Jansen
From the author: When other little girls were playing with dolls, playing dress-up in their mother’s high-heel shoes, looping beads around their pretty little necks, and plastering lipstick on their rosebud lips, I was in my room devouring books, reading poetry and scribbling stories which only I could understand.
Although a career in writing never really featured in my plans, I somehow fell into the habit of writing and it was only quite late in life when I was encouraged by my late brother to submit my stories to the local magazines. To date I have had several short stories published in South African magazines, as also poetry in anthologies both in South Africa and in the United States of America. I has also written several screenplays which I hope to place with an interested film maker.
From her publisher: June, at the age of 73, is herself an inspiration. She has recently endured a great deal of adversity – her husband, Dennis (75), took seriously ill in 2012, and had to be hospitalised for long periods at a time, coming close to death a number of times.
June was forced to commute between her small home in St Francis Bay and various hospitals, clinics and care centres in Port Elizabeth and Jeffreys Bay, almost on a daily basis, for more than eight months.
Dennis’ illness had two major impacts on June’s life: it deepened an already strong Catholic Faith – Dennis is well on the way to recovery and she credits this almost exclusively to prayer – and it has virtually wiped out their life savings. Undaunted, she has thrown herself back into writing, and wrote her first Faith-based book, Via Dolorosa, during this difficult period.
June sadly passed away in 2020.