I'm Michael Mahony
Michael (“Mike”) Mahony was born in Ireland in 1944 and has lived in South Africa since 1975, having previously worked in Nigeria, Dublin, and London.
Mike holds an honours degree in physics from University College Dublin, and a Master’s degree in business from The University of South Africa, as well as a Master’s degree in Catholic Theology from the University of KwaZulu-Natal.
His life-occupation has been primarily in IT (software development) in banking, from which he retired in 2002.
Since his conversion to Christ in 1978 he has been actively engaged in Christian ministry as a lay person, both in Catholic and Evangelical churches, and is currently a member of St. Charles Catholic Church, Victory Park, Johannesburg.
Mike has been married to his wife, Mary, since 1967. They have been blessed with three sons and three daughters, and a wonderful multinational clan of grandchildren.
This collection of seven books, (One of Us) is Mike’s first venture into ‘doing theology’ and expressing it in writing. If he had known that it was going to be such fun, he would have undertaken it years ago.