The Bystander

The Bystander was written in response to criticism directed at the teachings of the Catholic Church, and the writing responds to both religious and atheistic writers. In offering a response, the author attempts to contrast the vantage point or perspective of the critic with that of the Catholic Church. However, the perspective which one adopts will depend partially on where or in whom one perceives that the final court of appeal will lie.
Critics of the teachings of the Catholic Church usually accept human reason as the final Court of Appeal, while Catholics perceive a profession of faith as the final Court of Appeal. Also, a profession of faith is often the outcome of a council of bishops.


About the author

Patrick Quinton Gonsalves
Patrick Quinton Gonsalves has worked for more than 20 years in the mainframe OS390 systems software support in the Information Technology industry. He is a…
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The criticism directed at the teachings of the Catholic Church was what served as a catalyst for the author to turn to writing in earnest.