Le Renouveau Charismatique Catholique
Le Renouveau Charismatique Catholique est l’un des mouvements en forte croissance dans l’Eglise. Il est vecteur de beaucoup de bien et a permis à beaucoup de redécouvrir la grâce de leur baptême et de vivre pleinement leur confirmation comme témoins de Jésus Christ. Cependant, il nécessite le besoin d’un accompagnement adéquat pour éviter toute déviation de la foi catholique.
The Charismatic Renewal – The Catholic Church’s Way
One of the fastest-growing movements in the Church is the Catholic Charismatic Renewal. It is a vector of much good and has enabled many to rediscover the grace of their baptism and to fully experience their confirmation as witnesses of Jesus Christ.
However, it requires the need for adequate oversight to avoid any deviation from the Catholic faith.
Father Djese Benoit shares his many years of pastoral experience with Charismatic Renewal in the DRC, his country of origin, and in South Africa where he works as a Priest Fidei Donum.