Transformation in Black & White

Fr Lindani Zwane, in his 25th year as a priest, has written this excellent little book about his experiences of transformation and change in the Catholic Church in South Africa, following the nation’s transformation to democracy.
It is a heartfelt and sincere examination of the joys and challenges facing a black priest in a multicultural environment.
He experienced the satisfaction of succeeding in making his local church more alive, being supported in this process by many, but also finding others opposing him, some leaving the parish and a few even leaving the Catholic Church. Change can create tensions, misunderstanding and conflict.
The book is Fr Linda’s “Examen of Consciousness” (Examination of Conscience) and a reflection of his own journey of spiritual growth. He hopes the book will come in handy to someone who might just be in need of this comfort of knowing, and the assurance that it is normal to go through these experiences in the course of one’s life journey and leadership.



About the author

Fr Lindani Zwane
Fr Lindani Zwane is a parish priest who celebrated the Silver Jubilee of his ordination in 2017.  He obtained his PhD in Moral Theology/ Ethics…
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To quote Bishop Joe Sandri MCCJ of Witbank in the book’s foreword: “I praise Fr. Linda. To write such a ‘confession’ and ‘personal reflection’ took a lot of courage. I am sure that priests and others will learn a lot from it and be inspired to centre their lives more and more on God.”