The Worship of All Nations

This collection of seven books is one ordinary person’s exploration of the relationship between God and the human race, centred around the revelation of Jesus Christ who became One of Us in order that humanity could, in turn, share in the life within God.


About the author

Michael Mahony
Michael (“Mike”) Mahony was born in Ireland in 1944 and has lived in South Africa since 1975, having previously worked in Nigeria, Dublin, and London.…
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The Eucharist is the great Act of Sustainable Covenant, and here in his sixth book, The Worship of All Nations, Michael Mahony demonstrates that the Eucharist in every age and in every place manifests a consistent theology, incorporating both in its Architecture (Shape) and in its detailed contents, certain essential characteristics of this Jesus-given act of divine worship. He does so by taking us upon a journey through a particular Eucharistic missal originating from the year 793 AD, and he shows how it parallels Eucharistic liturgies from every century right back to the sub-apostolic age, just as it is does with the Eucharist of the twenty-first century as celebrated today in Bauchi, Northern Nigeria (and in New York, Cairo, Tokyo, Tel Aviv, Calcutta, Kiev, Soweto, Hobart and Reykjavik…)