• Die Kers Verhaal

    ‘n Inkleurwerkboek wat ontwerp is om klein kinders van die Kersverhaal te leer en hulle te help om die name van voorwerpe, mense en gebeurtenisse te herken wat hulle in hierdie tyd sal teëkom.
    Boek twee in die “Suffer Little Children”-reeks.

    Hierdie boek is ‘n kombinasie inkleur- en werkboek wat ontwerp is om kinders aan die Kersfees-geloofsverhaal bekend te stel en hulle bewus te maak dat Kersfees nie net oor versierings, liggies en geskenke gaan nie.
    In hierdie boek val die klem op die skep van ‘n assosiasie tussen die woorde en die prentjies van mense en gebeurtenisse. Deur kinders aan te moedig om prente in die boek te plak, stel hulle in staat om die boek te verpersoonlik met prente waarvan hulle hou en waarmee hulle verband hou.

  • iBali leKrisimesi

    Le yiNcwadi yokuSebenza nefuna abantwana bafaka imibala. Yenzelwe ukufundisa abantwana ngebali leKrisimesi kwaye iluncedo ukuze abantwana baqaphele amagama ezinto, abantu kunye neziganeko abazakudibana nazo ngeli xesha. Iyincwadi yesiBini kungcelele lwe” Suffer Little Children”

    Le ncwadi yindibaniselwano yombala kunye nencwadi yomsebenzi eyenzelwe ukwazisa abantwana kwiNdaba yoKholo lweKrisimesi kwaye ibenze baqonde ukuba iKrisimesi ayikho nje izinto zokuhombisa, izibane kunye nezipho. Ukukhuthaza abantwana ukuba bancamathisele imifanekiso encwadini kubavumela ukuba babhale incwadi ibe yeyabo ngemifanekiso abayithandayo nabahambelana nayo

  • My First Book of Catholic Words

    A Colouring Workbook designed to teach little children to recognise the names of objects, people and events they will encounter at the church.
    Book One in the “Suffer Little Children” Series.

    This book is a combination colouring and workbook designed to introduce small children to the objects, people and events they encounter in church through word/picture association. Children, depending on their age, can either colour in the pictures provided or paste their own pictures into the book, or both!
    There is also a Word Search Puzzle section at the back of the book, featuring the words in the book, for older children (and the Mommies and Daddies!)

  • Hot

    The Christmas Story

    A Colouring Workbook designed to teach little children about the Christmas story and help them to recognise the names of objects, people and events they will encounter at this time.
    Book Two in the “Suffer Little Children” Series.

    This book is a combination colouring and workbook designed to introduce children to the Christmas Faith Story and make them aware that Christmas is not just about decorations, lights and presents.
    In this book, as in our previous ‘Words’ book, the emphasis is on creating an association between the words and the pictures of people and events. Encouraging children to paste pictures into the book allows them to personalise the book with pictures they like and relate to.