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    Do You Speak Catholic? Revised Edition

    The Little Book of Catholic Words – Definitions, Explanations and Illustrations – New Revised Edition

    Now highlighting more than 300 words and phrases. Also includes a new section on Catholic Symbols!

    Have you ever wondered what an Aspergillum was? Perhaps not! How about a Sacramental? Or do you know the difference between a homily and sermon? As with any major institution or organisation in the world, the Catholic Church uses words that are exclusive to it – call it “jargon”, if you will. These words can be confusing, not only to outsiders but even to “cradle Catholics”.

    This little book attempts to overcome that confusion by providing definitions, explanations and as many illustrations as possible for this array of special words.

    As with any major institution or organisation in the world, the Catholic Church uses words that are exclusive to it – call it “jargon”, if you will. These words can be confusing, not only to outsiders but even to “cradle Catholics”. The Church also assigns meanings to everyday words that are completely different to the norm. For example, did you know that there are five different meanings of the word “ordinary” in the Church’s lexicon, but none of them is, well, ordinary? This little book attempts to overcome that confusion by providing definitions, explanations and as many illustrations as possible for this array of special words. It is a sort of combination dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopaedia and pictionary, all in one small book. It makes no attempt to go into the liturgy or theology behind the words, except when that forms part of the definition or explanation, but it does try to illuminate, elucidate and even teach a little!

  • Franciscan Spirituality

    The goal of a good Franciscan formation is to form within the student a genuine Franciscan heart. This entails both academic and experiential learning anchored in the rich spiritual depths of the Franciscan Intellectual-spiritual tradition. If the goal is a well-formed Franciscan heart, then the starting point is a thorough immersion in the sources of our tradition.

  • Franciscan Spirituality – Revised Version

    My main aim is to clarify some of the mis-conceptions and even myths about the Franciscan Order and its Spirituality, which are coming from various ill-informed sources… My mission is to get Francis and Clare to speak to you as intimately and as fraternally as possible so that the dust that others would have thrown over your mind may be blown away.” – Friar Cascarino Valentine OFM, PhD, STD, STL

  • The Spirit Is Among Us

    The Permanent Diaconate

    “This book aims to give the reader an overview of the theological and pastoral nature of the diaconate and thus to clarify the fundamental identity of the deacon, for those who are discerning such a call as aspirants and those who are already candidates for the office. In so doing, it assists students for the diaconate in grasping the theological, pastoral, spiritual, sacramental and sociological aspects present in this vocation, and thus it intends to foster the intellectual formation and deacon students. It is important for everyone engaging in this ministry to acquire a deep understanding of the identity of diaconal ministry. Fidelity to one’s vocation depends upon a clear knowledge of the nature of one’s call. Such clear knowledge helps ensure a firm foundation for a lifelong commitment to the diaconate.”

    From the foreword by Dabula A Mpako, DD
    Archbishop of Pretoria and 1st Vice President of the SACBC