• Called to Serve

    A Photographic History of the Catholic Archdiocese of Johannesburg — 1850-2023

    This lovely full colour Coffee Table Book documents the history of the Archdiocese of Johannesburg over 173 years, and documents its perishes, and its clerical and other institutions in great detail.

    Its 254 A4 pages are packed with information and beautiful, full colour photographs and illustrations

  • Entre Collines et Vallees

    Un récit par un Missionnaire Belge au Rwanda-Burundi

    Le frère Antoine Colpaert, missionnaire belge de la Congrégation des Frères de la Charité, nous raconte ce qu’il a vu au Rwanda-Burundi et pas nécessairement ce qu’il a fait. Merci à Patience LUKESO Agréable qui a compilé les souvenirs du Frère Antoine afin de les partager avec nous.

  • Franciscan Spirituality – Revised Version

    My main aim is to clarify some of the mis-conceptions and even myths about the Franciscan Order and its Spirituality, which are coming from various ill-informed sources… My mission is to get Francis and Clare to speak to you as intimately and as fraternally as possible so that the dust that others would have thrown over your mind may be blown away.” – Friar Cascarino Valentine OFM, PhD, STD, STL

  • The Catholic Church – 200 years in Southern Africa

    This book is nothing short of a work of wonder and I believe that Marumagae Moshe was inspired by the Holy Spirit to undertake such a mammoth task. This book is nothing short of a work of wonder and I believe that Marumagae Moshe was inspired by the Holy Spirit to undertake such a mammoth task. In this book you are invited to understand and appreciate what the Catholic Church really is, what it’s Mission is about, what the challenges are that confronts her, what the issues are that she continues to face, what possible paths she ventures into as a new dawn arises. You are invited to respond positively to a call to identify a role that you as member of this Church can play, this therefore means that you are to submit yourself to be used by the Holy Spirit and say: “Thuma Mina…Nkosi yami”, I truly commend this book.
    Moeketsi Joseph Tedile – September 2018

  • The Diocese of Tzaneen – 50 Years Plus

    A history of the Catholic Diocese of Tzaneen, in the Province of Limpopo in South Africa.

  • The First Dominican Friars in Boksburg, Brakpan and Springs: South Africa (1917-1927)

    This book speaks of the arrival of Catholic priests (friars of the Dominican Order) in the gold-mining towns of Boksburg, Brakpan and Springs a century ago, and how they coped or failed to cope with their situation. Arriving from a very different milieu in England, they found it difficult to fit in. They chose not to get involved with the racial and social animosities, the labour unrest, and even the socio-economic factors that led eventually to an apartheid government. Instead they focused on the task of building up parishes.
    The social situation they encountered led to frustration. Personal relationships between them deteriorated, and most of the first group returned overseas unhappy or ill. It was only after 1925 with the arrival of more friars, that the work of building not just churches, but of living communities of priest and people, could be begun. It was due to the persistence of two men, Bede Jarrett and Laurence Shapcote, that the mission survived at all.